Anyway, my last entry was basically about the anxiety I was feeling over the impending Mud Run which was to take place a week later. All I can say about that is, "I'm a dork." The mud run was a BLAST!
Mel and Me at the Starting Line

Brett wasn't able to see the whole course from the spectator's area, but he was able to capture the most important part...getting muddy!
And the best part was that I finished! I walked a lot of it, if not most but completing it was the best feeling, ever!
Mel and I were covered from head to toe. It took me a week to get the mud stains off of my skin. My finger and toe nails looked like I had a wicked Cheetos addiction.
I can't wait to do it again!
I want to do this, looks fun! Nothing like an excuse for a grown ass adult to roll around in the mud!!!