Thursday, January 12, 2012

Letting Go

So I was just sitting here at my desk thinking about this journey that I'm on. you always hear that saying- something like, it's not about the destination it's about the journey--- or something like that? I'm so bad with sayings, it's really kind of ridiculous. Anyway, I've been stressing this week because I haven't lost any weight since last Wednesday. I mean, I know how insane that is- I hope you do too! BUT, I've decided to let go. I'm not going to stress about how much I've lost or how quickly it's happening. I WILL HAPPEN. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself, even though I am feeling a little justified in my pre-op freak out about being the (mythical) 3%. I've said for a long time that my body hates me- this is not a lie. However, I also hate my body, so I guess I can't ask for much in return.

I wish that I could say something profound like, "I've decided to love my body!" and have it be some life-changing event, but that's not going to happen-- at least for a while. If I said it, it would be a lie. So forget that...for now. For now, I will be patient: I will go about my daily business, avoid the scale except at doctor's appointments (or at least I'll try) I'll eat right and exercise daily- I will give my body NO excuses for hating me. I will simply take care of simply because it is the right thing to do. I'm not going to compare my "success" to other's, I'm just going to enjoy whatever progress I make and even though I was really hoping that I would be one of those "drastic weightloss patients", I'll be happy being a successful weightloss patient- even if it takes three years to get there. --yeah, that would TOTALLY suck ass! And, I WOULD NOT be happy if it took three years, in fact, I'd be down right pissed, but eh. We'll see.

Oh, btw, I got my period yesterday. That's three times in three months- this is a first. I wonder if this is a new thing that will stick? Weird. I guess now that I've decided that I don't want kids my ovaries have decided to start working. See it's not my imagination. My body hates me! True story.

The End.

Down 30lbs from my highest (2.5 weeks pre-op, when I started the liquid diet- this is the number I like best, for obvious reasons)

Down 10lbs since day of surgery (26 days post op) GRRRRRRRR!

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